Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Response to Claire's Piece "The Weight of One Strand of Hair"

I really liked how you started this piece off with a recent anecdote that connected in to the story you wanted to tell. This was a great way to get people to connect with your process, I'm sure most of us have gone through that same type of thought process, making a string of connections from a class discussion to various other personal experiences. The anecdote from France was a nice tie in to the rest of your piece, and I personally identified with it because of having similar experiences in France myself. I also spent a good amount of time abroad thinking about home and why I thought about certain things the way I did, and I liked how you described this internal process/conflicts that you went through. The way you funneled towards your main topic worked really well for me, and the main themes of confusion, indecision, and rethinking previous ideas and assumptions were something that anyone could identify with.

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